Our lives have completely changed over the last couple of weeks. All for the best? Certainly not. All horrible? Oh... I don’t think so.
What is keeping you busy these days?
Brilliance is excited to connect with you
Increasing the social media presence of the brand is the goal of the month. I want to talk with you, see your videos & follow your progress. The Instagram account has just reached 2000 followers and I can’t wait to reach 5K. Any tips?
New collection… coming soon!
I woke up one day feeling wild, sketched a bunch of ideas, found a factory and placed a PO. Boom. With the pandemic and all the other things going on, I truly don’t know how that’s gonna go, hence why I didn’t order big quantities, but oh dear… I can’t wait to share the look book with you.
Stock market
Anyone else following the evolution of the economy out here? Oh la la. The volatility is real and as business owners, I feel like it is our responsibility to stay informed.
I boarded twenty planes & visited sixteen cities between January 1st and March 10th of 2020. My whole career depends on traveling. The travel restrictions have completely changed the way a lot of us work and as scary as this may be, this new lifestyle comes with a lot of personal & professional benefits.
Reading the news, for instance, isn’t something that I was really doing before.
I had never touched a stove in my life.
The schedule was always too busy for stretching and meditating.
...and I could go on and on and on.
Lastly, if you are an essential worker and you are reading this, please please please send me a message. I personally want to thank you with the cutest gift because honestly, what you are doing is unreal.
As for the rest of us, here we are, all alone with our thoughts and dreams. Wanna dream with me? Share your thoughts, I truly want to connect with you!
Marie xoxo