Here at Brilliance & Melrose, it’s no doubt we are all about the passion, artistry, and enticement of figure skating. Ever since March, we have all been tested in many aspects of our lives, especially since the sport we love has been put on pause. In some states and countries, not just once, but twice ice facilities have been shut down until further notice.
With the pandemic still in effects, we have to make the best of whatever situation is thrown our way. Thankfully, there are so many resources out there for us to carry out our artwork. We can focus on getting more flexible, jumping higher, taking new forms of dance classes, the options could go on in the ever-so connected online world!
One avenue that has provided hope to skating fans was Skate America this past weekend. Although ISU is limiting Grand Prix events to athletes of the host country, this event provided participants with a goal to train towards, and provided the audience a chance to remember our obsessions with the sport. Even though there were no spectators allowed, it was great to see the support of the “fans,” or cardboard representations of family and friends of the athletes in the stands. (Check it out some recaps at https://
Another show that is keeping us tied to skating is Battle of the Blades, a Canadian series where a professional hockey player and professional figure skater are paired to compete for a $100,000 prize to their charity of choice. I believe it is providing everyone the opportunity to forget our circumstances and be entertained again. (Streamed through CBC Gem Canada or Youtube recaps to come soon @cbcbattle)
There is going to be nothing like that feeling of our first steps back on the ice after a hiatus, no matter how long the time period. Until then, let us come together as a community to celebrate and support each other. For the love of skating!
Have any skating topics in mind that would interest you to hear about? Drop us an message on our Facebook or Instagram @brilliance_melrose or send an email to